Sen Shombit work on canvas

Sen Kwid Art car with French sub title

French art critic Patrice de la Perrière (Chevalier dans l’ordre des Arts et des Lettres) explains the works of art of Sen Shombit.

DÉSORDRE HARMONY: An interactive painting where the viewer can move its multiple canvases to find the original. Created since 2008

Exhibitions across the world - Sen Shombit

Awakening Notre Dame

Creating Gesturism

Experiencing désordre even when blind

Author Subroto Bagchi experiencing Sen’s studio in Bangalore 2014

Sen in his Bangalore studio 2008


When India was partitioned 1947 to create Pakistan, a new country for Muslims, about 20 million people of Bengal and Punjab were displaced and brutally victimized. Sen’s wealthy, literate family had huge landed property in erstwhile East Bengal, the present Bangladesh, which was carved out to be East Pakistan for Muslims. So for being Hindus Sen’s family was overnight evicted from their home. Without taking any possessions, they fled for their lives amidst people warring over religion, and so became squatted refugees in West Bengal.