Jack Lang

Former Culture and Education Minister of France most revered as being the topmost evangelist who uplifted the status of art and culture in the world. Currently President of Imarabe. Paris, France

“Sen, I am very happy to know you as a remarkable French artist of Indian origin. The Gesturism Art style you have created espouses outstanding Franco-Indian blend of values, and in the contemporary art world it introduces a totally new style of interactive art called “désordre” installations. Let me wish you the very best in your artistic pursuits in future.” 

Patrice de la Perriere...

Alberto Moioli...

Corinne Asseraf...

Renu George...

Philippe Douce...

Clement Berges...

Jean-Paul Larçon...

Patrick Navarre...

Dr. Una Chaudhuri...

Sandip Sarkar...


When India was partitioned 1947 to create Pakistan, a new country for Muslims, about 20 million people of Bengal and Punjab were displaced and brutally victimized. Sen’s wealthy, literate family had huge landed property in erstwhile East Bengal, the present Bangladesh, which was carved out to be East Pakistan for Muslims. So for being Hindus Sen’s family was overnight evicted from their home. Without taking any possessions, they fled for their lives amidst people warring over religion, and so became squatted refugees in West Bengal.