Clos Luce: Home of the greatest immigrant artist in France.

Sen loved walking along Loire river valley, but was never enamored of the Loire castles. When a French friend told him how French Kings were big art patrons, Sen went inside the Castle of Amboise to find that King Francis I had invited Leonardo da Vinci and bequeathed him Clos Luce, a small castle about 500 metres from Amboise castle. This is where Leonardo lived his last 3 years. 

This is also how “Mona Lisa” is in Louvre Museum, Paris, because it was one of 3 paintings Leonardo arrived with. Clos Luce has since become Sen’s regular visiting place as Leonardo is his biggest inspiration. According to Sen, it is the French soil, sky and freedom of social and artistic culture that have magnetized immigrant artists such as Dutchmen Vincent van Gogh and Mondrian; Russians Chagall and Kandinsky; Spaniards Picasso and Dali, German Max Ernst and American Man Ray among others to blossom in France. 

With this inspiration, Sen did not just live in France, he totally drowned himself in the French artistic experience. That’s why he continues to ‘breathe France’ with the Indian colours of his origin. The aesthetics, culture and artistic sense of France which he grew up with has been embedded in Sen’s soul, and is expressed through his Gesturism style of art.


When India was partitioned 1947 to create Pakistan, a new country for Muslims, about 20 million people of Bengal and Punjab were displaced and brutally victimized. Sen’s wealthy, literate family had huge landed property in erstwhile East Bengal, the present Bangladesh, which was carved out to be East Pakistan for Muslims. So for being Hindus Sen’s family was overnight evicted from their home. Without taking any possessions, they fled for their lives amidst people warring over religion, and so became squatted refugees in West Bengal.