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Beauty of curves

Sen’s works fascinate the viewer with a sort vital energy spreading from a constant dialogue between drawn forms and chromatic harmony.

Drawing has inspired Sen since he was an eight-year-old kid. And now drawing plays a key role in his “Beauty of Curves” theme. “Drawing is the art of making lines take a stroll” said Paul Klee. For Sen drawing is a sort of natural synthesis between thought and its representation. Drawing is a pillar of art and in his approach Sen follows Mantegna, Bellini, Tiziano, Tiepolo, Le Corbusier and of course Leonardo, so much loved and studied by Sen.

Drawing is not purely a tool for his creativity but also a key component of the artistic codes used in his paintings. As Vincent Van Gogh once said: “Drawing opens a door through an iron curtain dividing what you feel from what you can.” Sen’s drawing and colour enchant the viewer and recreate an endless magic atmosphere.

Alberto Moioli, Member AICA. Editorial Director, Enciclopediad’ArteItaliana, Art Advisor Art Affinity


When India was partitioned 1947 to create Pakistan, a new country for Muslims, about 20 million people of Bengal and Punjab were displaced and brutally victimized. Sen’s wealthy, literate family had huge landed property in erstwhile East Bengal, the present Bangladesh, which was carved out to be East Pakistan for Muslims. So for being Hindus Sen’s family was overnight evicted from their home. Without taking any possessions, they fled for their lives amidst people warring over religion, and so became squatted refugees in West Bengal.