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Emotion in motion - 2017
Fleeting By - 2017
Horse Man Passion - 2017
Lost - 2017
Love Imprinted - 2017
Nirvana - 2017
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Three is company - 2017
Jealous - 2016
Exult - 2016
Absolute - 2017
Emotion in motion - 2017
Fleeting By - 2017
Horse Man Passion - 2017
Lost - 2017
Love Imprinted - 2017
Nirvana - 2017
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Jumbled dream

This is a theme that expresses the fleeting, distorted and kaleidoscopic imagination that appears during sleep and is caught visual ecstasy.

The relationship of the artist with his brushes, colours and canvas conjure up ephemeral images when in dreamland that can only be captured in his paintings. Here Sen has graceful conversations with the human body and speed of animals and the abundance of colours that emanate as gestures in his canvases.


When India was partitioned 1947 to create Pakistan, a new country for Muslims, about 20 million people of Bengal and Punjab were displaced and brutally victimized. Sen’s wealthy, literate family had huge landed property in erstwhile East Bengal, the present Bangladesh, which was carved out to be East Pakistan for Muslims. So for being Hindus Sen’s family was overnight evicted from their home. Without taking any possessions, they fled for their lives amidst people warring over religion, and so became squatted refugees in West Bengal.